Actions of the General Assembly for Wednesday, June 22
General Assembly

The General Assembly reconvened at 9:30 a.m., on June 22, and heard the report from the Ad Interim Committee on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault.  The committee offered no recommendations, but offered the following advice to sessions, presbyteries, and PCA agencies:

  1. That all Elders in the Presbyterian Church in America assiduously study this report and consider its advice when shepherding the flock of God;
  2. That Presbyteries and Sessions consider using this report to train  their members and those seeking ordination in the PCA in order to be ready for situations that will likely arise during their ministries;
  3. That Sessions consider using this report to inform their congregational members so that they will be better able to protect, identify and respond well to abuse when it arises;
  4. That all Presbyteries, Churches, and other ministries in the PCA develop robust policies for both the prevention of and response to abuse;
  5. That competent third parties be engaged by Presbyteries, Churches, and other PCA ministries when allegations of abuse arise;
  6. That Presbyteries, Churches, and other PCA ministries share information regarding helpful pastoral, sessional and third-party resources, and regularly set aside funds for engaging those that can provide competent assistance and, if necessary, conduct investigation of alleged abuse;
  7. That all Ministers, Elders, Presbyteries, Sessions, Permanent Committees and Agencies, and all other PCA ministries inform themselves as to the particular laws regarding mandatory reporting to the civil magistrate in their civil jurisdictions; and
  8. That a permanent committee or agency of the PCA consider forming an office of abuse prevention and response in order to serve the denomination when needs arise.
  9. That the 50th General Assembly of the PCA receive overtures from the lower courts to perform a denomination-wide assessment of the state of abuse in the PCA. One aspect of the overtures might be to create a committee tasked with overseeing the work.

Read more about the committee’s work here and here.

The Assembly heard reports from the Review of Presbytery Records Committee, PCA Retirement & Benefits, Covenant Theological Seminary, Reformed University Fellowship, Ridge Haven Conference Center, and PCA Foundation. We will provide more details from these reports after the Assembly.

During the report of the Interchurch Relations Committee, the Assembly voted to answer Overture 3, Withdraw from the National Association of Evangelicals, in the affirmative. The vote was 1030-699.

During the report from the Committee on PCA Retirement & Benefits, RBI announced officially changing its name to Geneva Benefits Group. Read more about the change here. 

In the course of its report, the CCB reported that the minutes of the Standing Judicial Commission were found to be without exception by a committee vote of 6-2. The dissenting members wished to substitute their opinion, that there were two exceptions related to the Greg Johnson case, in place of the CCB’s conclusions. The CCB chair raised a point of order that, as CCB recommends no actions, minority reports of CCB members cannot be substituted for the Committee report. The moderator ruled the point of order well taken. His decision was challenged. After debate, the ruling of the chair was sustained by a vote of 970-856.

Overtures Committee reconvened and voted to recommend the following answers:

Answer Overture 28, Amend BCO 8-7 by Adding Chaplain Endorsement Requirements and Recommendations, in the affirmative as amended. 128-0. The amended language is here.

Overture 2021-40, Amend BCO 32-13 and 35-5 to Allow Victim Protection Provisions, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 120-0. The amended language is here. 

Overture 2021-41, Amend BCO 35-1 to Expand Potential Witness Eligibility, by referring it to the 50th General Assembly. The vote was 120-1.

The Assembly reconvenes tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.

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