A Prayer for Nashville
By Mike Khandjian

“For these things I weep; my eyes will flow with tears; for a comforter is far from me, one to revive my spirit; my children are desolate, for the enemy has prevailed… Look O Lord for I am in distress; my stomach churns; my heart is wrung within me… in the street the sword bereaves…my eyes are spent with weeping… Arise, cry out in the night… pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord! Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children…O Lord, look and see! 
Lamentations 1-2
Offered by David Cassidy

Oh God, be Merciful,

‘You have fed us with the bread of tears and given us tears to drink in full measure.’

Our hearts are broken for the families of the six people whose lives were taken in yesterday’s expression of evil at Covenant Presbyterian Church Academy.

We ask that you will be merciful. Pour out grace we can’t comprehend on those who bear pain we can’t imagine. We have no words to do what only your Spirit can provide. God, be merciful.

For the family of our brother Chad Scruggs, in the loss of their daughter and sister, Hallie, Father, be merciful.

For the families of the other two children, Lord, be merciful.

For the families of the three adults whose lives were taken, Lord be merciful.

For those injured in the attack, Lord be merciful.

For the Covenant Presbyterian Academy, their Students, Faculty and Administration, Father, be merciful.

For the Covenant Presbyterian Church community, their Members, Pastors, Staffs, Young People, Children and Leaders, God, be merciful.

For the family of the attacker, Lord, be merciful.

For area Churches, and Pastors throughout the City, Father, be merciful.

For Greater Nashville, Father, be merciful.

For the life of the Church in the world, Lord, be merciful.

For the hope of the world, God be merciful.

Though we live in the promise of what will one day be, when one day all sorrow, sadness, weeping and death will be no more, today we are devastated for our brothers and sisters. In this, ‘our tears have been our food, day and night.’

Come Quickly, Lord Jesus.


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