On December 1, 2023, Teaching Elder Liam Goligher resigned as senior minister from Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. According to a statement published by the church, this resignation followed “reports on the internet of a citation of personal conduct dating back to 2014 which was previously unknown to Tenth Church. The citation is a matter of public record and cites actions which give the appearance of sin.”
In March 2024, Philadelphia Presbytery initiated judicial proceedings against Goligher after conducting an investigation. According to this statement, at a meeting in May 2024, the presbytery found Goligher contumacious.
As first reported by Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew, after its most recent meeting on January 18, 2025, the Philadelphia Presbytery approved and provided the following statement:
In the case of the Presbyterian Church in America v Liam Goligher, Liam Goligher pleaded guilty to the charges of Lying, Conduct Unbecoming of a Pastor and Elder, Harsh and Uncharitable Treatment of Colleagues and Subordinates and Spiritual Abuse and Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse. After considering the nature of Liam Goligher’s confession and indications of repentance, the Ad Hoc Judicial Commission ruling on this case inflicted the censures of deposition from office and indefinite suspension from the Lord’s Supper.
The Presbytery appointed a pastoral care team to guide Liam Goligher in seeking full repentance and restoration to the Lord’s Supper.
In consideration of the nature of the charge of Adult Sexual Clergy Abuse to which Liam Goligher has pleaded guilty, the censures inflicted upon him and their consequences, and the clarification of evidence over time, the Presbytery decided to drop the charge of Adultery against him.
We encourage prayer for the victims and Liam Goligher’s restoration.