
For Christians, This is a Time for Confidence

Our Conversation
 With Stephen Nichols

There are sound reasons ?to trust God in our ?post-Christian culture.

God’s Purpose for Man’s Imagination

The Bible speaks to our mind’s eye. It paints pictures, draws parallels, and makes analogies. In other words, it engages us 
on an imaginative level.

A Collaborative Approach to Apologetics

What was missing, many believed, was a way to help people find their place in God’s redemptive story. “We wanted to demonstrate that lives are formed and re-formed by that narrative,” Herron said. “We wanted to see the Holy Spirit form a Gospel-centered conscience.”

Man – the Master Idol Maker

Pearcey Shares Principles from Romans 1

According to Pearcey, Romans 1 is where Christians will find the tools they need to make sense of competing worldviews. And it’s there that we’ll be equipped to answer them intelligently, kindly, and persuasively.

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