Search Results: alan dowd

Corporate Responsibility and Individual Morality

As His people, we are called to imitate Him. But what does that look like in a culture where anything goes, where the only wrong behavior is judging something to be wrong, where an ethos of live-and-let-live tolerance has been supplanted by an attitude of fall-in-line-or-else conformity?

Flirting With Darkness?

The Prince of This World Is at Work

“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils,” C.S. Lewis observed. “One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”

Christians in Camouflage

Chaplains in a Political Correctness Minefield

“I suspect there will be increasing pressure put on chaplains to be less vocal about the Gospel. But the good news is that our chaplains are pressing on. Our chaplains are answering the call to serve and share the Gospel.”

Smothering Religious Freedom

The Worldwide Assault of Tyranny

Religious liberty is the proverbial canary in the coal mine of a society’s health. It doesn’t tell us everything about a government or group, but it tells us enough.

Tied in Knots

Americans Try to Redefine Marriage

For most of us who oppose the redefinition of marriage, this is about nothing more or less than the sanctity of the God-ordained covenant of marriage.

What to Make of Ashley Madison

Everyone Will Give an Account

The data breach of Ashley Madison has triggered an international scandal, suicides, and more than a few separations.

A Healthy Estate

Marriage is Good for the Heart

Adam was not alone. The earth was teeming with living things. But that was the problem: none of those living things were like him, none were suitable for him, none could heal his aloneness.

Dads, Duty, and Dreams

Lessons from Joseph

Like all good dads, like all good husbands, Joseph put his family first. He sacrificed for them in big and small ways.

In Praise of (Good) Judgment

Scripture is full of references that point to the need for, and benefits of, sound judgment. This includes judgment about good and bad behavior — and even good and bad people.

Roe v. Wade Turns 42

An Unhappy Birthday

Since 1973, some 54 million abortions have been performed in the United States. Lots of myths have emerged in the intervening years to obscure and defend and rationalize what has Roe spawned.

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