Overtures Committee Actions for June 10
By Staff

The Overtures Committee convened on Monday morning and elected Teaching Elder Steve Tipton to serve as chairman and Ruling Elder Matt Fender to serve as vice-chair. The committee made the following recommendations to the General Assembly:

Overture 7, Amend RAO 11-5 to Clarify Process for RAO Amendments, in the affirmative. The vote was 122-1.

Overture 14, Amend RAO 4-21.d to Require Enrollment Data From Higher Ed Institutions, in the affirmative. The vote was 118-4-1.

Overture 28, Amend RAO 16-6.c.1. to Eliminate Conflict with BCO 40-5, by referring it back to the presbytery. The vote was 114-8-1.

Overture 4, Establish Study Committee for Judicial Rules Changes, in the negative. The vote was 116-7-2.

Overture 20, Proposed Systematic Changes to BCO 31, 32, and 35, in the negative. The vote was 117-2-1.

Overture 19, Amend BCO 41 to allow Venue Change in Judicial Cases, in the negative. The vote was 104-4-1.

Overture 21, Change the Prohibition Against ‘Interlocutory Appeal’ by Complaint in BCO 43-1, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 117-3-1. Click here to read the amended language. 

Overture 25, Amend BCO 31-2 to Expand Who May Assist in an Investigations, in the negative. The vote was 88-30-1.

Overture 26, Amend BCO 32-19 To Expand Representation of Accused Persons Before Church Courts, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 116-7-1. Read the amended language here. 

Overtures Committee voted to recommend answering Overture 1, Amend BCO 35-1 and 35-8 Regarding Witness Eligibility, in the negative. The vote was 71-59-0. There will be a minority report. 

Overture 18, Amend BCO 35-1 and 35-8 Regarding Witness Eligibility, with reference to its actions on Overture 1. The vote was 98-20-3.

Overture 17, Amend BCO 13-6, 21-4, and 24-1 to Require Background Checks for Church Office, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 115-13-4. Read the amended language here. 

Overtures 24, 6, 16, and 23 with reference to the committee’s actions on Overture 17. The vote was 117-2-1.

Overture 27, Amend BCO 13-6 to Add Personal Character and Family Management to the Examination of Transferring Ministers, in the affirmative 110-15-1.

Overture 2, Amend BCO 13-6 for Clarity in Transfers of Ordination, in the affirmative as amended. The vote was 119-5-6. Read the amended language here. 

Overture 30, Amend BCO 23-1 To Require that the Presbytery of Jurisdiction Conduct an Exit Interview Prior to Dissolution of Call, in the negative. The vote was 72-57-1.

The committee voted to recommend referring Overture 32, Amend BCO 23 to Address Dissolution of Call for those employed by a Committee or Agency, back to the presbytery. The vote was 130-1-1.

Overture 9, Add Great Commission Requirement to BCO 12-5, in the negative. The vote was 114-16-3.

Overture 10, Add Presbytery TE Care to BCO 13-9, in the negative. The vote was 85-44.

The committee voted to recommend referring Overture 22, Amend BCO 13-2 to clarify Teaching Elder Presbytery Membership, back to South Florida Presbytery. The vote was 120-6-0.

 Overture 31, Amend BCO 14-1 Regarding Changes in Permanent Committee and Agency Policy, in the negative. The vote was 118-3-3.

Overture 13, Commend and Encourage Distribution of Commission Letter Regarding Gender Reassignment for Minors, in the negative. The vote was 77-53-3.

The committee has adjourned until tomorrow at 9 am.

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