
Everyday Theology


Of Interest Around The Web

Why Jesus Came

A Tribute to Gratitude

When I wrote Future Grace my aim was to show that, in the Bible, motivation for obedience to Jesus is never said explicitly to be gratitude.

Find Your Family First

They aren’t just to have around for the holidays; they can rebuild whole communities.

Q & A: Tim Keller on ‘The Meaning of Marriage’

Why the pastor says gender roles are changing and how the church can be more effective in promoting marriage.

A Good Society Tells the Truth About Marriage

In the discussions about how to reduce poverty in Georgia, particularly as it relates to children, one solution almost never gets mentioned. Marriage.

Don’t Waste Your Poison Ivy

Faced with life’s worries, how shall we respond?

The Master Weaver

Through a dreaded disease, God is making something beautiful.

The Struggle for Faith

A new study finds young adults walk away from church because Christian leaders aren’t answering their deepest questions about God, life and today’s culture.

Extraordinary Change Through Ordinary Moments in Marriage

Issue Number 33

The frustrating moments of marriage often show us important ways that we misunderstand love, God, and ourselves. If we’re willing to love in Christlike, practical ways then these ordinary moments can become opportunities for extraordinary change.

Making Neighbors More Employable

Christian training programs are working hard to make their students become employable and, in some cases, employed.

Of Interest Around The Web

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