Devotion for March 30
By byFaith Staff

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Rom. 8:26).

Have you ever wondered what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote that the Spirit is interceding for believers with groans beyond words? Paul had a specific meaning in mind. Earlier in this chapter, he said that creation groans for the fulfillment of God’s purposes with the cries of a mother giving birth.  

The reference reminds us that the Holy Spirit is advocating for our concerns with greater fervor than we can muster. We may be nodding off in our own bedtime prayers, but the Spirit is appealing to God with the fervor of a mother in final stages of bringing new life into the world. 

Not only does the Spirit intercede with such fervor but with such intent. We can be praying with cold or selfish hearts, but the Holy Spirit is interceding for the sake of new life on earth and in us.

While our prayers may be reflecting desires that are immature, ill-informed, or self-seeking, the Spirit is transforming our prayers into petitions for God’s purposes and priorities to be born in us.

We pray, and the Spirit brings the fervor and power to petition God for new life in and through us. 

Lord, thank you for the Spirit who makes my prayers into godly petitions that have the power to bring new power and priorities into my life that are birthed by you.

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