Devotion for July 14
By Bryan Chapell

Lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. (Heb. 12:12-13)

God’s discipline is an incredibly gracious display of the presence of God. Of course, no one wants to be disciplined, but when God acts in our lives to “put out of joint” the legs, knees, and ankles of our souls that are walking us into sin, we cannot deny he is here, he is real, and he really cares about my walk.

Discipline is evidence of God entering our world to rescue us from spiritual dangers we cannot handle or would not avoid without his intervention.

So, God’s discipline is not contrary to his grace but is, in fact, grace, itself. Just as we discipline our own children for their safety and maturity, God disciplines us to turn us from harm and to help us conform to the image of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Yes, God sometimes allows difficult and painful paths, but his intention is always to lead us to the spiritual fruit of righteousness and peace. As we partake of this fruit, we are healed from this world’s trials and strengthened for our journeys by our Father’s loving care. That is why his discipline not only confirms that he is here, but also that we are his.

Father, when your discipline is painful, help me to trust your gracious plan for healing and strengthening me so that I treasure this confirmation of your presence and care.

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