

Where Two or Three Gather, There’s Bound to be Politics

People gather around similar interests. We create informal and formal networks of the “like-minded” who hope to influence direction and policy.


Politics: Why Christians Must Be Involved

When Christians abandon the public square, what happens to community values? To ethics? To moral standards?

Love and Power

A Gospel Response 
to Narcissism

Aimed at exposing the culture of narcissism Garriott has witnessed in Washington, D.C., the book is intended as a cautionary tale to believers in power as well as those who serve or influence them.

Discipleship and Politics

Among Jesus’ original disciples, two were political opponents: Simon the Zealot, who believed government should remain hands-off. And Matthew, the government-employed tax collector.

Character: The Surest Pledge of Wise Policy

While government is not our final destination, it is a God-given responsibility. Today, our country needs wisdom, which means it needs moral leaders, which means God’s people must enter the fray.

Choosing a President While Worshipping a King

If politics makes strange bedfellows, then the call of Christ makes stranger ones still.

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