Editor’s Letter

Pursuing Peace, At a Dallas Cowboys Football Game

Who’d have thought that Ellen DeGeneres would defend herself by paraphrasing Hebrews 12:14, which instructs us to “pursue peace with everyone”?

Perhaps We Can Solve the Country’s Worst Health Problem

And after years of study researchers identified the four things humans need to be happy. Not surprisingly, they’re things the Bible described centuries ago.

The Path from a Lowly Manger to Black Friday

Our thinking about money and its effects on our happiness has a lot to do with our beliefs about God.

Let’s Take a Break and Revel in the World’s Beauty

We should go to the beach more often. We should hike the mountain trails and study the forests. Because, as Lucy Shaw wrote, “To show indifference to beauty is an insult to its Creator.”

When We Love God, It’s Easier to Assign Priorities

When God’s kingdom is the prism through which we view the rest of life, it also becomes our standard for assigning priorities.  

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