
48th General Assembly

Forty-seven Overtures Await the 48th General Assembly

A summary of the overtures before the 48th General Assembly, most of which come from the denomination’s 88 presbyteries.

Overture 41 Would Limit MTW Field Leadership to Elders

Heritage Presbytery finds problematic the guidelines developed that initiate a policy allowing women in MTW to serve in authority over men in the roles of team leader, regional director, and international director.

Overture 25 Calls for PCA Church Leaders to Support Christian Education

In Overture 25, Suncoast Florida Presbytery encourages presbyteries, sessions, and diaconates in the PCA “to embrace and provide a supportive posture for Christian education in our churches and communities.”

Overture 24 Calls for GA Approval of Changes In Committee and Agency Policies

PMWP’s rationale for this proposal draws attention to BCO 14-1.7, which states that the Assembly’s committees “are not to establish policy but execute policy established by the General Assembly.”

Overture 16 Calls for Election of Moderator-Elect

Each year, the PCA General Assembly elects its moderator, who serves until his successor is elected at the following Assembly. This means that the moderator has virtually no time to prepare for the often intricate questions of constitutional interpretation and procedure that he’s required to make. Georgia Foothills Presbytery has proposed to modify this procedure…

Nine Presbyteries Request Study Committee on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault

The overtures, though similar, differ slightly in their details.

Overture 5 Proposes Change in Procedures for Dissolving Pastoral Relationships

Central Indiana Presbytery proposes allowing a session to present a request for the dissolution of an assistant pastor’s call directly to the presbytery.

GA News for June 14

Below is a summary of some of the votes taken by the 46th General Assembly on Thursday, June 14.

Overture 25: Evaluating the Un-ordained Diaconate

The overture proposes that presbyteries require all congregations within their bounds without an active ordained diaconate to report their reasons for this and whether or not they have created an un-ordained body of servants

Overtures 11 and 15: Describe Elders as Dignified, Not Grave

“This revised definition reminds us elders to be outward-facing, to be concerned for those beyond the walls, to be approachable, and to be always mindful that there are people on the fringes of our churches who need to be invited in.”

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