

Waiting in Joy

In Advent, God breaks in on our waiting in a visible, physical, and tangible way.

Waiting for the Lord

A Message of Hope, the Promise of Peace

The message of Christmas is that God entered into our humanness. In some mysterious, miraculous way, the Creator became one of the created — one of us.

The Path from a Lowly Manger to Black Friday

Our thinking about money and its effects on our happiness has a lot to do with our beliefs about God.

The Name Jesus

He Came to Be Our Savior

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

‘Waiting Songs’ Encourages Advent Hope

Rain for Roots Album Released November 10, 2015

Since the Bible is one big story of God’s redemptive work – and believers are part of that story – then through our waiting we join with other biblical characters who waited.

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