General Assembly News for Thursday, June 15
By Megan Fowler

Below are the highlights from the General Assembly proceedings for Thursday, June 15.

Ad Interim Study Committee on Women in Ministry

The General Assembly voted to adopt, as amended, Recommendation #4 from the Ad Interim Study Committee on Women in Ministry as amended. The amended recommendation reads as follows: “That sessions, if possible, establish a diaconate of qualified ordained men.”

The Assembly also voted to adopt Recommendation #5 from the Study Committee:
“That sessions consider how to include non-ordained men and women in the worship of the church so as to maintain faithfulness to Scripture, as well as utilizing the gifts God has poured  out to His entire church (see  exegesis of 1 Corinthians 14:26 in Chapter Two).”

The Assembly voted to approve an amended Recommendation #6, which reads, “that sessions and presbyteries select and appoint godly women and men of the congregation to assist the ordained diaconate.”

The Assembly voted to adopt Recommendation #7 from the Study Committee: “That presbyteries and the General Assembly consider an overture that would establish formally the right of sessions, presbyteries, and the General Assembly to establish the position of commissioned church worker within the PCA for qualified and gifted unordained men and women.”

The Assembly voted to adopt Recommendation #8 from the Study Committee: “That sessions, presbyteries and the General Assembly consider how they can affirm and include underprivileged and underrepresented women in the PCA.”

Review of Presbytery Records

When the Committee for Review of Presbytery Records (RPR) presented its report, the General Assembly voted to adopt the minority report as Recommendation 52 from RPR with exception of substance concerning an image of Jesus: “Exception: January 30, 2016 (Ex. 20:4, WLC 109) – Presbytery distributed to worshipers a Worship Guide the cover of which included an apparent representation of the second person of the Trinity, thereby introducing the representation into worship. “

Overtures Committee

The Assembly voted to answer Overtures 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 17 in the negative; The Assembly also voted to recommit Overture 2 to the 2018 Overtures Committee and refer Overture 15 back to the originating presbytery without prejudice. The Assembly voted to answer Overture 16 in the affirmative.

To read all of the overtures, click here.

Other News

After the report from the Ad Interim Committee on Racial and Ethnic Reconciliation, the Assembly voted to approve funding for research to assess the current situation in the PCA concerning racial and ethnic reconciliation, and voted to extend the committee for another year.

The Assembly also approved the formation of Hills and Plains Presbytery from portions of North Texas and Covenant Presbyteries. The Assembly divided Southwest Presbytery into Arizona and Rio Grande Presbyteries.

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