


Of Interest Around The Web

Obergefell: Practical Implications

Next Steps for PCA Churches

In June, the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex marriage nationally. Since then, many PCA sessions have been asking about how to respond to the new situation this decision has created.

Rejoicing in Our Unity

Looking Forward to General Assembly

We have our disagreements, of course, but those are small compared to the things we hold in common.

The State of the PCA

The “Great Battle” Will Force Us to Find New Ways to Reveal God’s Grace

As PCA leaders prepare for the 43rd General Assembly, we are separated by generational differences and conflicting ideas about how to engage the surrounding culture. But we find unity in our fight against a greater foe — ever-encroaching pluralism.

PCA Affirms Biblical Marriage

Clerk issues statement following PC USA action

The Office of the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has received numerous emails regarding the recent action of the mainline Presbyterian Church (USA) in redefining marriage.

Plagiarism of Sermons

In this Information Age, plagiarism of sermons is a greater temptation. The Church needs to deal appropriately with it. But what constitutes plagiarism of sermons is a complex issue.

Finding The Center: Thoughts on 42nd General Assembly

The Reasoning Together editor shares his reflections on the Houston Assembly.

A Discussion Every Presbytery Needs to Have

There are three phrases in our Constitution that every presbytery applies frequently, yet we never talk about what they mean.

Outrage Porn and the Christian Reader

Tom Challies comments on inappropriate expression of outrage by Christians.

Our Point of View

Reasoning Together is designed to allow expression of the variety of views current in the PCA (thus the name), but we do hold to a particular point of view – that it is imperative for the PCA to maintain its unity, and that we can do that by rallying around our historic commitments.

The Committee On Review Of Presbytery Records: Important But Misunderstood

Next week marks the meeting of one of the most misunderstood, important, and challenging bodies in the PCA – the Committee on Review of Presbytery Records.

Of Interest Around The Web

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