City to City, RTS Partner on Graduate Degree

For years the leadership of Redeemer Presbyterian Church and Redeemer City to City have seen the need for a Reformed seminary in New York City. While New York enjoys a few seminaries of different traditions, our core values come from a Reformed understanding of the gospel that is crucial to our preaching, our vision for ministry, our spiritual formation and everything we do.

To that end we have been working for nearly a decade to start an accredited degree program, and in fall of 2014 New York State finally granted our application.

What does this mean? For Redeemer Church, it means ministry staff no longer have to commute or move to another city for years before being eligible to become a Redeemer pastor. We will be able to retain and train our staff and leaders while they remain involved full-time in ministry in New York.

Further, interested lay men and women will have access to deeper theological education, enriching the church in every area of their ministries.

For City to City, it means cultivating ministry leaders much earlier in their process of spiritual and professional formation. Instead of offering already-trained pastors a new paradigm of gospel preaching and ministry, we will be able to develop them more fully from an earlier stage while they participate in ministry to this city.

For both organizations, it means a whole new path for people in New York City to pursue a seminary degree and the practical experience they need to be effective in ministry.

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